

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Drumheller, AB. on our Cross Canada RV trip.

We spent our first nite parked in front of the library in Nordegg, AB., not as I had expected the first nite to be. It was one of very few places that one can pull off Hwy 11 at nite. There are few RV parks and most are several km. off the road with no guarantee we can drive our big RV down their roads, so that wasn't an option. We'd driven till 10pm so the idea of preparing dinner changed and a banana dinner was perfect. We did only what was required to get into bed and we were asleep pretty quickly.

                                                                     Nordegg, AB.
We woke early to avoid being in anyone’s way and pulled out. It was 8C and foggy. And it stayed foggy and low clouds with rain all the way to Rocky Mountain House ! That meant that we did not get to enjoy the apparent beauty of the area. I guess we were just not meant to see it yet! Another trip, another time.

                                                   Entrance to Drumheller, AB
The terrain around Drumheller, AB is very interesting. There were layers of different colors in the hills surround the town and the hoodoos were colorful. There were several dinosaurs around town that were amusing and entertaining. They've done a great job of showing what Drumheller is all about.
Tourist Center
We stopped for information at the center and took some pictures of this huge dinosaur sitting in the parking lot. You are able to climb inside of this one to the top. The view must be great. When walking back to the truck, an elderly lady out for a walk stopped to talk with us. Once she established that we were tourists, she kindlly gave us a postcard for Drumheller as a gift. That sweet lady made my day.

Some of these dinosaurs are actually life size. This one also gave some information on him. There is a Dinosaur Museum that we didn't go to as we were only passing thru town but it is one place that we would enjoy bringing our young grandson back to. Already I am planning another trip !

War Veterans Monument
Right behind the tourist center is a nice park alongside the Medicine Hat River. We took Maggie for a walk thru there and tried to get pictures of the river but there were too many trees in the way and I wasn't sliding down the bank into a fast flowing river for a picture.
We fuelled up and were on our way to Medicine Hat, AB, where we would be staying a few days and visiting friends .

1 comment:

  1. oh well done!

    so nice to be able to follow along with you!
