We left Medicine Hat, AB by 10am with a temperature of 25C (77F) to head north on Hwy #41N, the Buffalo Trail which follows the border between Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. We were treated with scenes of the rolling hills and pastures of farmland of the province.
We chose to use secondary roads when possible so that we weren’t using freeways and missing the local beauty. The one thing that makes these roads a bit difficult is the fact they don’t have any rest areas that allow large vehicles like ours to pull off the road. The shoulders are not wide enough to pull onto, either so this can be a challenge when it is necessary to stop. It also means that most of my pictures are taken out of a moving truck!
We did manage to stop at one spot where the road had a long stretch for oncoming traffic to see around us. The local bug population was adorning our view so we needed to clean the windshield for better pictures and had an audience watching our every moooooove.
We crossed the S. Saskatchewan River after dropping down into the valley. There is a small campground by the bridge crossing on the river called Sandy Point. As we followed along the river for awhile, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities to Kamloops and the S. Thompson River, almost identical.
A typical Saskatchewan scene
We drove almost 500 km (306 mi) this day and arrived during rush hour in the city to get to our RV park. I will save that story for another day but we got settled in nicely and are anxious to see Saskatoon, Sask.