

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Moose Jaw, Sask, Canada on our Cross Canada RV trip

We’d called ahead to book an RV spot in Moose Jaw but were told that both parks were booked up. We were sure we could find something once we got here and we did. It is in one of the parks I’d called. A very small spot and meant for a small RV but luckily it is on a corner so we parked sideways and barely hung out over the road. It was not an ideal location, and had power only but we were only staying two nights and we’re able to camp without water and sewer for a short time. Traffic moved rather quickly past us but we weren’t awoken by any bumps in the night ! Then we got a nice surprise when the park desk clerk came and told us of a spot available to us for the third nite, so we stayed another nite in Moose Jaw, Sask.

Mac the Moose and Keith

We had to take a picture of Mac the Moose, who stands at the tourist centre just off Hwy 1 at Moose Jaw. He is now 25 years old and apparently his jaw fell of this year so he has had a facelift and a paint job. The fence around him wasn’t great for picture taking but until he has completed the repair jobs when he has a nicer fence, he will look like this. I was glad to see him repaired rather than not so didn’t mind the fence as an alternative.

                                                  One of many murals in town

So many people had told us to go see the Tunnels while we were in Moose Jaw so that was definitely on our list of things to do here. The underground tunnels are used for the tours and it is too bad they do not allow cameras, there could have been some great pictures. There are two different tours/shows to see and we recommend seeing them both. The tour is very well done and it is very impressive. One tour, the Chicago Connection was about Al Capone and his use of the tunnels recreated by some very talented actors. The other tour, The Passage to Fortune, I found to be so very heart wrenching. This is part of our history that we cannot be proud of. It is about the Chinese who were brought over to build the railroad and how they were treated and had to live. Check their website at . It is a ‘must see’ if you’re in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada.

                                                                   Buffalo Pound Lake

We drove out to see the Buffalo Pound Provincial Park while in Moose Jaw. It is 32 km (19 mi) north & west of town but worth the drive. They have great camping facilities and plenty of leisure activities. 4762 acres that include bison in their natural habitat. We weren’t able to find them, but we didn’t cover the complete park, it is large. We had thought we may stay there if we’d not been able to get a spot in town and it is a nice place to be. The weather was overcast and not too hot but definitely good camping weather.

                                                       Little church on the Prairies

                                                             Trolley in Moose Jaw

We had driven around town to see some of the sights but wanted to take the Trolley ride to hear all about the history and sites. We were sure glad we did that, we’d missed so many things. It is always a great way to learn about a town by hearing the history, a self tour never says enough.

We also toured the Western Development Museum. It tells the story of the transportation history, with lots of the real thing for display, including planes, trains and automobiles, plus more. They also have the only Snowbird display, which includes a plane in this great large museum.