

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembrance Day, Canada ~ Veteran's Day, USA

Remembrance Day has always been a special time for our family as my dad served in World War 2 and it was important that we honor our fallen soldiers and pay tribute to them all on November 11 at 11 am. I felt that we were honoring only those who had died but as time goes on, I realize that there were other sacrifices made by our soldiers and they should be honored as well.

Most of the surviving soldiers of the world wars have now passed on but we will forever honor all those who have paid and will pay the price of being part of the Armed Forces in the line of duty.  Today we honor them all.

We visited Patriot Park in Cathedral City several times over the last few days and nights, and it is a very emotional feeling to be standing here with thoughts of all those young men and women who have given their life for their country.  And to also think of the moms and dads and siblings of those same soldiers and mourn with them for their losses.

Here are some pictures that show this moving memorial.

Patriot Park in Cathedral City, CA  USA

This same day is called Veteran’s Day in the United States of America. Celebrations and parades are held all over the country to honor those veterans who are here and able to celebrate with us. 

There are several cities in the USA that pay tribute with the Healing Fields. Cathedral City in California is one city that will hold a memorial event today at the site of the Healing Fields at Patriot Park at the corner of Date Palm Drive and Dinah Shore, and is hosted by the Rotary Club

 Section of Patriot Park
Sections are marked alphabetically so that one might find someone they wish to honor and there are apparently over 5000 flags in Patriot Park for this special occasion.

Flags at Patriot Park USA
Volunteers transformed Patriot Park into a sea of red, white and blue by setting up on November 8 and taking down on November 15.

Close Up Flags Patriot Park
Each flag pays tribute to fallen soldiers and will help visitors to heal, honor and remember that freedom is not free. It honors the selfless dedication and ultimate sacrifice by the military.

Flags stand proud

Flags Mark Afghanistan Service
This moving event features one 8 foot US Flag for each military person lost in Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. Each flag is personalized in memory of a soldier, sailor, airman or marine.

View Patriot Park From the Street
World War 1 ended November 11, 1918 at 11a.m. when Germany signed the Armistice and has been observed as Remembrance Day in the Commonwealth countries since King George V dedicated it on Nov. 7,1919.

Massed Flags in Honor of Military - Cathedral City California
We pay homage on Remembrance Day in Canada today and honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in times of war and all who have served their country in times of need. We must also remember those who are now serving our country and those who have died in the line of duty in today’s war.

To mark the day, Canadians wear  a small red poppy, chosen in 1921 as a symbol of this day as memorialized in the poem In Flanders Field by John McCrae. Flanders Field, in southern Belgium, is covered in poppies. The red color also signifies the blood shed.

We honor all of these soldiers, Canadian and American and thank them for their sacrifices.