

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cabot Pueblo Museum ~ Desert Hot Springs, CA

We love rv’ing in the Coachella Valley and one of our stops is Desert Hot Springs, (DHS), CA just minutes north of Palm Springs, CA. Desert Hot Springs has been enjoying a major growth over the past few years and we’ve seen many changes since our first visits years ago. The hard work of their city administration and elected officials has allowed them to proceed with extensive infrastructure and upgrades seen all over the city. It is great to see DHS doing so well.

                                 Two Springs RV Resort in Desert Hot Springs, CA

During the many years of returning to RV here, we’ve stayed in many different resorts and are enjoying our first visit at Two Springs Resort this year. The amenities are great and our view is magnificent.

                                                           Hot mineral pool

We’re parked in a beautiful RV park, with a view of the mountains, desert and usually a blue sky but when the sun sets in the west, we have a perfect view of that, too. The park is about to begin constructing another phase and will be doubled in size in the near future.

                                             Street in RV resort

Desert Hot Springs is situated atop one of the finest natural hot mineral water aquifers in America. None of the springs are visible as they’re capped for water distribution or for one of the many spas here but the soothing pools are available at many locations. You’re not usually required to be a guest staying at the spas to use their pools so if you’re wishing to soak in a hot mineral pool, check one of the local spas for their policies on visitors.
During the 50’s and 60’s, over 80 spa hotels were in DHS. Many of these hotels have been renovated and revived again. Most feature the natural hot mineral water unique to the area, it has no sulfur odor common in other locations. These pools are so hot that they have to be cooled down to swim in. DHS can also boast their pure and delicious award-winning drinking water.

                                       Sunset in Desert Hot Springs, CA

Sunsets are always beautiful, no matter where you are. This one includes the windmills in Desert Hot Springs, which are a common site in the Coachella Valley. The mountains create the San Gorgonio pass that allows a wind tunnel to form and makes an ideal location for windmill farms. This sunset shows a storm passing over.

                                  Interesting sky background for windmills

We love rv’ing in most climates, but rarely do we get all climates sitting in the Palm Springs area. We usually have nice warm weather during our winter visits and expect that it will be cool at nights. We’re absolutely fine with that, but sometimes we get surprised at how the weather can change.

                        San Bernadino Mountains, CA at Desert Hot Springs, CA

This year the weather has been a different winter in the Coachella Valley . There has been record breaking rainfall and with that has come the snow to the surrounding mountains. The San Jacinto mountains, which is just west of Palm Springs have snow that shows their ruggedness but the San Bernadino Mountains, just north of Desert Hot Springs are showing off their snowcaps this year. What a beautiful sight they make !

                                 Windmill farm at Desert Hot Springs, CA
There are over 3100 windmills in the area, some of them are 103 m. (340 ft) high. The largest of them produce enough power for 2000 homes. The wind blows hard enough on 300 days of the year to make them work but they need a wind of 21 km (13 mph) to run and anything greater than 72 km (45 mph) and they will shut down. Windmill tours of 90 minutes are offered and we hope to do that soon.
                 Snow covered San Bernadino Mountains, Desert Hot Springs, CA

It is quite a site to see and although not everyone feels the same way, I think the windmills add a different kind of grandeur to the area. This photo, taken at sunrise just out our RV door, shows the snow covered San Bernadino Mountains in the distance.
The month of January is typically the wettest month but we’ve never seen anything more than a sprinkle in all our visits until this year. I believe they may have surpassed any records set by the rain we have had. It has made for some incredible skies and although I prefer to see the blue sky and sunshine, there have been some beautiful ones.

                                  Cabot Museum in Desert Hot Springs, CA

We have visited the Cabot Museum in the past but improvements have been done since then and there is more to see inside the Museum. It has quite a history and one that most will enjoy hearing about. It isn’t a typical museum and I recommend a visit while in Desert Hot Springs. The construction of the Pueblo was an ongoing project spanning from 1941-1965 when he died at the age of 82. The property was eventually purchased by Yerxa’s friend, Cole Eyraud who restored and later donated it to the city of Desert Hot Springs to be used as the present Cabot Museum and Art Gallery.

                                            Welcome door of Cabot Museum

You will hear the story about Cabot Yerxa, a fascinating and talented man who first came to Desert Hot Springs in 1913 to homestead 160 acres. It was on this land that he was digging a well and discovered the hot mineral water that DHS is now famous for. Then while digging another well nearby, he found pure cold water, now known as the Mission Springs Aquifer. With both hot and cold water available, the result of the fault line running between the two wells, the area that surrounds the Pueblo he built was named Miracle Hill.

There are so many more wonderful places to visit in the Coachella Valley and area.  I will be sharing more of this with you ..... but wait........ I hear the desert calling so it will have to be another day !