

Monday, February 28, 2011

Dean Karnazes ~ Run Across America ~ Coachella Valley, CA

Most weekday mornings our television will have the Live with Regis and Kelly show on. They keep us informed in a fun and entertaining way while we begin our day. Today they ended their show with an update from Dean Karnazes, who is making a Run Across America… and. he was passing by Indio, CA.
That is all I needed to hear! The morning plans were put on hold and we jumped into the truck to go find Dean ! I must admit that Keith didn’t have quite the same excitement that I felt, he thought we might not find Dean, but he was willing to try. We think he must have at least 3 hours on us but we’re not sure when that TV tape was made. I hope to be able to find him on the highway to at least get a picture that I can add to my Coachella Valley events.

Dean Karnazes and Run Across America
We’d driven about 45 minutes and were about to give up when we see a cyclist and a runner, could that be Dean?  I expect to see flashing lights and vehicles that accompany him, especially the TV crew that are following along but with nothing but a flashing light on the back of the bicycle, he is running 1-10 with no special signs or banners to identify him or his biking buddy.

Dean Karnazes and bicycle buddy
We pulled onto an access road just ahead of Dean and his buddy and waited for then to pass by while I take pictures and a video clip and call out my cheers for Dean Karnazes.  They waved and Dean called out “hi there” and “thanks” for the cheer! I had my pictures and more!!  See video at bottom of page.

Dean Karnazes on I10 - Coachella Valley
We won’t be following Dean any farther in our truck but we will be sure to follow him with Regis and Kelly’s daily TV updates as well as on their webpage.  If you’d like to read more about Dean Karnazes’ amazing Run Across America in support of fighting obesity, click here.   

Dean Karnazes on Run Across America - Day 4
We must admire Dean’s commitment to the cause and the length that he is willing to go, to support that cause.  He plans to run 65-80 km. (40 – 50 mi.) a day and will be running over 4800 km. (3000 miles) in 75 days before he finishes his Run Across America.

Good Luck to Dean Karnazes and his Team on their Run Across America.

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