

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gerry High, the Artist ~ Idyllwild ~ Cathedral City, CA

We had spent most of the day enjoying the car show in Temecula, CA before we drove up into the San Jacinto Mountains to have a look at Idyllwild on our way back home to Palm Springs
.  The drive on the windy mountain roads of State Highway 74 had us taking some great switchbacks and because the traffic isn’t heavy along this part of the road, it allows you time to enjoy the view.

State highway 74 in San Jacinto Mountains
We didn’t have much daylight left and wanted to see as much as we could so we made a short stop so I could get some photographs and to have a look through a few shops.  This visit turned out to be a happenstance encounter that connected some dots for me.

Gerry High Gallery in Idyllwild, CA
At the very first quaint shop we stopped at, we were greeted at the door by the shopkeeper who stepped back inside as I took my storefront photo.  As we got nearer, we were chatting with this same friendly chap discussing the art on the wall just outside the door, which as it turned out, was his work.

Gerry High art at Artspresso Gallery
As we browsed around this little shop we enjoyed the candles, gifts and art but one small piece of art caught my eye.  I wasn’t sure so asked, “Is this a photo of the mural from Cathedral City?” and he responded, “Yes, I did that, it is mine”. I was surprised but thrilled to meet this artist and had to shake his hand and introduce myself as a fan of that mural!

'Old Firehouse' mural in Cathedral City, CA

There was more than once that I had watched Gerry High on tv while he refurbished the same mural he had originally painted in 1999. Cathedral City had made it part of the public art collection and it has been a treasure ever since. I watched the art, not the artist and hadn’t recognized him from the tv show, click here to watch this video to see more.
'Old Firehouse' mural by Gerry High
The “Old Firehouse” mural had been showing some wear from the weather and was needing some work to brighten it up again and bring it back to its’ original beauty so who better to do that but the original artist.  Gerry High was commissioned by the Cathedral City Public Arts Commission to do that and the  process was taped as a short film.    

Gerry High mural of 'Old Firehouse' in Cathedral City, CA
It wasn’t until after we left the shop that I had the “coulda, shoulda, woulda” thoughts. I didn’t ask for a photo of Gerry High, nor did I ask questions. I must make note to ‘self, ‘take advantage of those happenstance gems and take those pictures and ask those questions!’
Idyllwild has a reputation for the arts and even has a music and art school there. We will definitly be back and will take more time for our next visit so we can enjoy more of what Idyllwild has to offer. To learn more, click here to see my other blog page on Idyllwild, CA.


  1. oh this is so cool to run into him and chat - great murals, too!

  2. Beautiful ❤️😊
