

Friday, July 20, 2012

Castel Sant'Angelo ~ Trevi Fountain ~ Spanish Steps ~ Rome, Italy

We did most of our sightseeing by walking around the city of Rome.  We were staying in a  location that was not  too far from Centro Storico, Rome’s historic center and would walk across one of the many bridges that crosses the Tiber River to carry on to see the sights.
Looking across the Tiber River at the Castel Sant'Angelo
Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome, Italy
The Castel Sant’Angelo was a fortress built by Emporer Hadrian during the years AD123-139 as a peaceful resting place.  It went through several changes over the years including a military post until it was purchased by the Pope Aqui in 1377.  It was then connected to the Vatican and was used as a safe area whenever the need arose.
Large crowds gather on the Spanish Steps
Spanish Steps ~ Piazza di Spagna, Rome
The Piazza di Spagna is home to the Spanish Steps and a gathering place for almost everyone who comes to Rome as well as the locals.  It became such a gathering spot for the artists and writers who used to live in this area during the eighteenth century that it became a real tourist draw then and it seems it hasn’t lost that appeal. 

The church sits at the top of the Spanish Steps
Trinita del Monti Church

The Spanish steps, built totally with travertine 1723-1726 were built to give access from the embassy of Bourbon Spain to the church at the top of the stairs which belonged to the Bourbon kings of France.  The 138 steps are divided into 12 flights.  The Sallustian obelisk sits at the top of the Spanish Steps in front of the church.

The narrow street is filled with people
Busy streets in Centro Storico, Rome, Italy
I was 6 years old when I saw a movie who’s theme song has been one of my favorites ever since.  I do not remember the story nor what the fountain looked like but I do remember a final scene at the Trevi Fountain and that was definitely on our list of things to see in Rome.  We used our map and followed some narrow streets that opened up into a very crowded but small square and there it was.
There is a large crowd in the small space in front of Trevi Fountain
Crowds at Trevi Fountain 
It is amazing that this very large fountain is in such a small square and then you get a zillion other people wanting to get their photos as well, and you have a crowded situation.  It was late in the afternoon and being surrounded by tall buildings the sun wasn’t able to shine onto this beautiful fountain but we got our share of photos.   
We see St. Peter's Basilica lit up in the distance
Reflections on the Tiber River in Rome
 We always walked home in the dark at the end of our days, taking in the beauty of those ancient buildings illuminated with just enough lights to make a great sight.  We may have walked about ten miles a day and we were getting pretty tired by this time of night, but never too tired to enjoy those sights as we slowly made our way back to our hotel.
There is so much to enjoy, come again for another walk through the streets of Centro Storico in Rome.